
Efficient invoice management is key to smooth business operations. This guide provides easy steps to request Invoice Financing.

Applying for invoice financing involves two major parts – the Vendor Portal and the Buyer’s end. This article covers the Vendor end. For information on the Buyer’s end, click here.

Requesting Invoice Financing requires 5 Key steps:

Tip: Your Buyer ought to have enabled Invoice Financing on their dashboard.  Click here to learn how that is done.

  • 1. Complete your KYB.

    To begin

    • Log in to your dashboard as a vendor.

    • Click on Get Started on the banner that shows on your home page. As shown below:


    • Click on Settings, select Compliance, and click on Get Started.

    • Read the instructions, download the documents, populate and upload them.

    • Once it has been reviewed internally and your account has been activated you can now proceed to the next step.

    • Skip the first step if your account is already activated.

  • 2. Make your request

    To begin

    • Send an invoice to your buyer.
    • Once your buyer is done reviewing it, approve it and convert it to a bill.
    • Request for invoice financing by doing the following:
      • Click on Invoice Management.

      • Select invoices.

      • Select the particular invoice you need financing for.

      • Click on Request Invoice Financing. As shown below:

  • 3. Your Buyer Approves your request for financing. Click here to learn how that is done. 
  • 4. Our Finance team reviews and creates a Loan Note for you.
  • 5. View the Loan Note
    To Begin
    • Click on “Invoice Management” on the dashboard menu
    • Click on the “Invoices Tab and select the invoice you requested Financing for to view the update.
    • Click on view Loan Note Terms and a modal will show as shown below:

    • Review the Loan Terms and Accept or Reject the Loan Terms and Conditions.

Note: You’ll get an email notifying you when a Loan Term has been created for your Invoice.

Great job!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to complete my KYB to use the vendor portal?
    • No, you do not.
    • However, to use our Invoice Financing feature you would need to complete your KYB.
  • I can't see where to request financing on the invoice
    • There are two likely reasons why you won't see it and they are:
      1. Your account has not been activated or it is pending activation. Read step 1 to complete your KYB.
      2. The invoice sent to the merchant has not been converted to a bill, you might want to send a reminder to your buyer.